1st Inning Showdown Crash
I just completed the final 1st inning showdown after roughly 1.5 hours. As I was heading back to the main menu, the servers crashed. When I went back in it said that I had quit the challenge and it counted as a loss.
Is there any way to fix this? Don’t really want to do these challenges again
Same thing just happened to me. I’m furious.
Dame thune here...
Same thing here (damm phone)
Yup, same happened to me yesterday, grrrrr
same here
Ugh. Same thing happened to me. Really frustrating. Maddening really. I spent a good 45 minutes on that one and had an emotional roller coaster of a finale with Fernando where I tied it at 17 outs, then he got 16 straight outs on me and I was worried that I was gonna have go through this whole thing again. Then Yelich walked it off with a 430 ft bomb to dead center. I was supposed happy to be finished -- and then the game crashed when I tried to go back to the Diamond Dynasty screen.
So f**king annoying. They need to fix their [censored] game already.