Massive DD Glitch!!
@skoalface1823_xbl said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@untchable704_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@untchable704_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
It will be abused once it becomes knowledge of how it happens. Nobody seems to really know what’s triggering it. Might as well do it. At least it doesn’t ruin the xp like people did last year with the levels AFKing on retro as it’s only for the first inning and apparently doesn’t extend.
I know exactly how it is done. I am not going to cheat, and we do not know if it will carry over to the 2nd inning.
Well eventually it will come out. If you look on YouTube every squeaker is out there with a video about how to get it without playing the game. That’s where we are at in video games lol. But take the high road. Tbh 650k doesn’t seem like that much to get especially with double xp if it ever works.
If it's the same one I saw, you wouldn't be able to do it after doing it the first time. I'm not doing it, but if it is the same thing... it's only really doable once. If it's not the same one I saw, then it sucks even more that their are multiple ways.
I wouldn't know if it is the same, but will ask my friend if it continues for more than one session, and if there is a way to do it again. Either way it is BS.
@solidsnake_222 said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Everybody is needlessly dancing around the subject here. Anyone can find out what this post is about by simply googling it or using YouTube, so either delete this thread so no one looks it up, or talk about it straight up. Are we referring to the RTTS sim thing? That’s what I saw a couple of videos about on YouTube last night.
That's the one I saw. I could care less if everyone does it. The rewards in the 1st inning program are pretty worthless from what I'm gathering anyways. Plus, the way I look at it is that with all of the XP issues, at least people are able to obtain it if that's the way they want to do it.
@solidsnake_222 said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Everybody is needlessly dancing around the subject here. Anyone can find out what this post is about by simply googling it or using YouTube, so either delete this thread so no one looks it up, or talk about it straight up. Are we referring to the RTTS sim thing? That’s what I saw a couple of videos about on YouTube last night.
No, that is not what I am talking about. Uh oh. More than one?
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@solidsnake_222 said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Everybody is needlessly dancing around the subject here. Anyone can find out what this post is about by simply googling it or using YouTube, so either delete this thread so no one looks it up, or talk about it straight up. Are we referring to the RTTS sim thing? That’s what I saw a couple of videos about on YouTube last night.
No, that is not what I am talking about. Uh oh. More than one?
Sounds like it. The RTTS one actually takes time, and requires doing a few other things though. I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but that would sound like a glitch to me, whereas the RTTS one seems like an oversight and more of a "bending of the rules".
@skoalface1823_xbl said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@solidsnake_222 said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Everybody is needlessly dancing around the subject here. Anyone can find out what this post is about by simply googling it or using YouTube, so either delete this thread so no one looks it up, or talk about it straight up. Are we referring to the RTTS sim thing? That’s what I saw a couple of videos about on YouTube last night.
That's the one I saw. I could care less if everyone does it. The rewards in the 1st inning program are pretty worthless from what I'm gathering anyways. Plus, the way I look at it is that with all of the XP issues, at least people are able to obtain it if that's the way they want to do it.
The main concern is that it continues to the 2nd inning. Any of the glitches for that matter. It is not far off. 2 weeks.
@skoalface1823_xbl said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@solidsnake_222 said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Everybody is needlessly dancing around the subject here. Anyone can find out what this post is about by simply googling it or using YouTube, so either delete this thread so no one looks it up, or talk about it straight up. Are we referring to the RTTS sim thing? That’s what I saw a couple of videos about on YouTube last night.
No, that is not what I am talking about. Uh oh. More than one?
Sounds like it. The RTTS one actually takes time, and requires doing a few other things though. I'm not sure which one you're referring to, but that would sound like a glitch to me, whereas the RTTS one seems like an oversight and more of a "bending of the rules".
I was unaware of that one LOL
@skoalface1823_xbl said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@untchable704_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@untchable704_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
It will be abused once it becomes knowledge of how it happens. Nobody seems to really know what’s triggering it. Might as well do it. At least it doesn’t ruin the xp like people did last year with the levels AFKing on retro as it’s only for the first inning and apparently doesn’t extend.
I know exactly how it is done. I am not going to cheat, and we do not know if it will carry over to the 2nd inning.
Well eventually it will come out. If you look on YouTube every squeaker is out there with a video about how to get it without playing the game. That’s where we are at in video games lol. But take the high road. Tbh 650k doesn’t seem like that much to get especially with double xp if it ever works.
If it's the same one I saw, you wouldn't be able to do it after doing it the first time. I'm not doing it, but if it is the same thing... it's only really doable once. If it's not the same one I saw, then it sucks even more that their are multiple ways.
some people are getting it by the boatloads on accident. Gutfox was jumping a full level every game but he doesn’t know what triggered it. Somebody else told me it was happening to them too.
I can see how it could happen on accident, or how it could be done on purpose. I don't want those people punished, i want them to fix it before the 2nd inning and give the rest of us the same rewards that these guys are getting. There are many packs past the 1st inning bosses.
Everyone getting boatloads of XP and here I am, along with many others NOT getting any XP for anything.
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
I can see how it could happen on accident, or how it could be done on purpose. I don't want those people punished, i want them to fix it before the 2nd inning and give the rest of us the same rewards that these guys are getting. There are many packs past the 1st inning bosses.
They had people go through 3 levels of 99 by AFKing last year and didn’t punish them. Doubt they punish anybody and they probably shouldn’t. Hopefully they do fix it tho. Because playing for rewards is the whole point.
@vipersneak_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
I just watched a friend of mine gain 4 levels of xp in less than 8 innings played. I had heard rumors but seeing it live was astonishing.
I am not going to use this glitch, no one should. The problem is that those who do are getting to 650000 XP in no time at all, while the rest of us struggle for XP. This is going to cause an imbalance as many people are going to have better cards without earning them.
While I will not use it, I DO EXPECT SDS to give all players the 650,000 XP to make things even again before the 2nd inning starts fresh. They must also hold back the 2nd inning until they have this BS fixed.
This release has been a horror show.
People have been doing this since Pepe Alazar, SDS has enough issues to communicate about right now, this will get swept under the rug. I wouldn’t expect any extra XP I’d keep grinding.
Scummy Youtubers are posting about it. They all have max xp for the 1st inning but it was TOTALLY by accident every time lol. I call BS. They knew what they were doing or they wouldn't make videos about it. I think the worst part is that they're telling people to do something that is making some people lose everything. Anything for views though I guess
Hopefully the ban hammer starts falling for anyone who does this.
Another whiny post about wanting free stuff that you haven't earned!!!
Lol, I think we all might need an XP glitch to make up for the XP that has failed to be recorded.
@nwbearcat29_mlbts said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Lol, I think we all might need an XP glitch to make up for the XP that has failed to be recorded.
This. I'm the furthest from wanting something handed to me but I have completed 5 TA divisions almost exclusively from showdown, a bunch of moments, about 6 conquest maps and played about 10 event games so far. I only have about 295K XP.
Maybe the math is right but something seems off to me
@aaronjw76_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@nwbearcat29_mlbts said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Lol, I think we all might need an XP glitch to make up for the XP that has failed to be recorded.
This. I'm the furthest from wanting something handed to me but I have completed 5 TA divisions almost exclusively from showdown, a bunch of moments, about 6 conquest maps and played about 10 event games so far. I only have about 295K XP.
Maybe the math is right but something seems off to me
Yeah, I'm sitting at 80k and compared with the feel of last year's 300 star system I feel like I'd be well above 200 at this point. I read playing HR derby can glitch your XP to where you don't earn any. I have no idea if this is true but I played a few rounds with my daughter shortly after the game came out. I'm re-installing now and crossing my fingers this helps.
@nwbearcat29_mlbts said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@aaronjw76_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@nwbearcat29_mlbts said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Lol, I think we all might need an XP glitch to make up for the XP that has failed to be recorded.
This. I'm the furthest from wanting something handed to me but I have completed 5 TA divisions almost exclusively from showdown, a bunch of moments, about 6 conquest maps and played about 10 event games so far. I only have about 295K XP.
Maybe the math is right but something seems off to me
Yeah, I'm sitting at 80k and compared with the feel of last year's 300 star system I feel like I'd be well above 200 at this point. I read playing HR derby can glitch your XP to where you don't earn any. I have no idea if this is true but I played a few rounds with my daughter shortly after the game came out. I'm re-installing now and crossing my fingers this helps.
Please let us know if this works. I'm currently not getting the double but at least getting the single.
@cincyplaya5150_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Hopefully the ban hammer starts falling for anyone who does this.
This has been in the game since last year apparently. I didn’t play last season, but all the disclaimers I have heard on videos is, “This was doable last year too!”.
@skoalface1823_xbl said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
@cincyplaya5150_psn said in Massive DD Glitch!!:
Hopefully the ban hammer starts falling for anyone who does this.
This has been in the game since last year apparently. I didn’t play last season, but all the disclaimers I have heard on videos is, “This was doable last year too!”.
Wow didn't hear a thing about it last year. I don't see how ppl had issues finishing programs last year, guess some are always looking for the easy way out. Sds has ban ppl for a lot less then this, hope they step in here.