Pitch velocity
I stayed as a two-way Player But was wondering if anyone else’s page speed changes every time they start, my guys performance suffers as a result even though I do switch my archetype
I think it doesn’t change my archaetype mid series even though it asks
Yeah, this is another bug with RTTS. If you use the continue to next game option it will not switch your loadout even if you select a different one in the menu. The only way to reliably switch between games is to quit to clubhouse every time. I wouldn't recommend this either though because that's a guaranteed way to glitch out your progression and keep your programs from gaining any XP.
The only viable way to play RTTS right now is to only use one loadout and never switch from it, performing the "have one plate appearance in DIamond Dynasty" fix every time you see it stops tracking. Even then one of the things mentioned in the dev statement was players were not receiving as much stat gains from gameplay performance and training as intended, so even that is a slower than intended progression. My advice is wait until the mode is fixed to commit to any serious length career, but if you have to play it only stick to one loadout and constantly make sure your progress is being tracked correctly.