Besides the obvious answer of supply/demand..
Completely new to the game and am coming from played MUT.
How much does daily/weekly actual performance drove increased ratings in cards, market prices, etc?
How often to players ratings increase? Do they ever decrease if they’re not playing well?
Do only certain cards get upgraded/downgraded?
Live series cards are updated usually every other week. Cards can increase or decrease based on real life performance. This does affect market prices, especially if the card moves to a different level, because each card level has a different quick sell value (gold is 1000 stubs, diamond is 5000 stubs)
Only live series go up and down (yes they can go down), ratings can change every two weeks, however the inside edge changes ha[pen daily based on real time matchups.
To add to that , they have not announced when the first update will be.
We'll probably have 2 weeks notice or so when they do. -