Who you rocking at Catcher?
Yermin 2 Parallel But I loved Salvy Finest last year so when I can will be picking him
@rabid55wolverine said in Who you rocking at Catcher?:
@mike__honcho_361 said in Who you rocking at Catcher?:
I will likely be grinding for Salvy since I
Loved his card in ‘20.For a gold though, you can’t beat that Yasmani Grandal card. Switch hitter, with good defense and his swing is one of the best in the game IMO....He’s slow as molasses though if that bothers you on the bases.
I ranked up grandal twice now, he is a 3 speed and a 9 stealing, lol. It's painful watching this guy run the bases but he does have a great swing
And a switch hitter
For now it's Grandal, but i'll take Piazza when i get to the boss cards
Mainly for TA innings, haven't jumped online yet, working on the conquest maps first. For a silver, his hitting attributes are really solid, but he is rough behind the plate.
87 Kendall. Been killing it with him. Level II so far.
Cubs C Contreras.
Mike Piazza might be the move when I get there -
I've been using Grandal. He hits bombs and singles because there is no way he is making it to second with his current 2 speed.
I've been using Will Smith behind the plate and I've hit a couple bombs with him and gunned down a potential base stealer
There a trick to get putouts an assists on your cap. Seems terrible
That Kendall is really good, I even had him as my lead off for a while
Today I got Salvy and will be my catcher for the next few months!
Kendall. Massive pci, smooth swing and sneaky pop with speed.
@th3_th1n_m4n-o_0_psn said in Who you rocking at Catcher?:
That Kendall is really good, I even had him as my lead off for a while
Yes sir. I have him leading off, mainly because he’s my fastest guy I think and the other guys in my lineup right now are either guys who would bat 2 or bat 5.
Yermin is my only gold card (rest are all 42 series I grinded) and he hit two tanks in my first RS game. Solid card
Pasada rakes
Will Smith...get lucky once I awhile with a HR
Team collection pudge
I've got Will Smith and he is dropping bombs against righties for me.