There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
My guess is they'll backload the XP so people can catch up later in the inning. Either that, or they're waiting until 4/20 to release more XP so people don't feel behind,....?
@the_dragon1912 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Quit searching for ways to earn XP and just play the game and you will have an easier time getting there. I'm at 85,000 XP myself and I haven't even played as much as I like
Im at slightly over 80K and working all week I dont know how I will ever get to 350K
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
That’s not even close to any argument being made in this thread.
There will be more content coming out. The full release hasn’t even happend yet. Stay calm
@dewrock_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
That’s not even close to any argument being made in this thread.
This whole thread is silly because the showdown an player programs aren't even out yet, both of which will give a bunch of XP
ive 165k from just playing the game and grinding affinitys etc
@the_dragon1912 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@dewrock_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
That’s not even close to any argument being made in this thread.
This whole thread is silly because the showdown an player programs aren't even out yet, both of which will give a bunch of XP
All I pointed out was that the value of completing program tasks like conquest were cut in more than half compared 20.
In 20 we could complete the inning conquest and showdown and we were a third of the way to the inning boss. That doesn’t seem to be the case in this game.
@dewrock_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@the_dragon1912 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@dewrock_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
That’s not even close to any argument being made in this thread.
This whole thread is silly because the showdown an player programs aren't even out yet, both of which will give a bunch of XP
All I pointed out was that the value of completing program tasks like conquest were cut in more than half compared 20.
In 20 we could complete the inning conquest and showdown and we were a third of the way to the inning boss. That doesn’t seem to be the case in this game.
Correct, but like i said you should probably wait on the showdown to actually be released to pass any judgement. It seems like a massive grind only because there isn't any other tasks to get XP from yet
@the_dragon1912 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Quit searching for ways to earn XP and just play the game and you will have an easier time getting there. I'm at 85,000 XP myself and I haven't even played as much as I like
I’m not searching for ways. I’m playing the game.
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
Don’t assume you know anything about me clown.
@allmustfall16 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@the_dragon1912 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Quit searching for ways to earn XP and just play the game and you will have an easier time getting there. I'm at 85,000 XP myself and I haven't even played as much as I like
I’m not searching for ways. I’m playing the game.
Same here. I don't know what my XP is at, I know I am at level 7 in the program. 350,000 seems a mile away. I don't expect to get the boss in two or three days, normally it took me a couple of weeks. This year with the way the XP is I don't see myself getting to 350k in time
Maybe player programs will offer a big boost, and I know Showdown is coming. Hopefully something to help us get there.
@allmustfall16 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@sodomojo01_xbl said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
Kids want it, and they want it now. Way of the world I guess.
Don’t assume you know anything about me clown.
Easy kiddo. Wasn't even talking about you. Clown.
@allmustfall16 said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
350k in XP to get the 1st inning bosses seems too high. Exchanges this year only offer 300 xp. That can’t be right. How does 300 xp seem right when 350k is the number we have to hit.
I get some people can play this all day and don’t work. But most of us still have jobs. And we still play this a lot.
I’m not asking for anything free. I’m just saying, XP that’s given, doesn’t seem like even close to enough.
The servers are slow. It took me a long time last night just with having to sim parts of conquest. I’ve dropped so many games the last 24 hours. I’m not even trying to play online.
Also, most of us are still waiting on our stubs that were taken from canceled orders.
Most of the regulars know me on here and I wouldn’t bash SDS just to do it. I’m pretty loyal to them and I understand patience. But this weekend has been horrible to be honest.
I really hope they figure it out. But after you’re done fixing the stubs and server issues, please look into XP given. It doesn’t seem like enough at all.
I am waiting to see what happens over the next week or so when the showdown and player program drops to see what the reward is. It's hard to compare to anything as I never really focused on the XP I use to get from game play. I also think with them removing XP as a reward for things like collections something like yourself and I have become accustomed makes it look like there is alot less XP to be had.
Like I said I am taking a wait and see aporch as it's new way and come the end of the program if I'm at the 600k mark then great of I'm still pushing to the boss pack and I have done all there is to do then it may require some additional discussion on the direction the programs are heading
Should take a weekend to knock out for the diehards. I’m like 1/4 of the way there, it’s definitely slow this year.
It's not supposed to be attained easily. It's a reward! I'm sure there will be tons of content that will give easy XP. It amazes me at the early complaining already. Bunch of whiners. Play the fame already and have fun
@dewrock_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@charterbus_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
@xentys_psn said in There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game:
23+ hours of game played and I have 123k xp... 113 games played ( most offline ) grinding atm to get a decent team ( no money spent )
However I haven't finished the 1st inning collection 50k xp ( 8 x 42 series card ) im at 4 right now ( sold P. Martinez and H. Aaron for stubs for Live collection ) or I would be at 6 total but the Live collection is my priority
And.. I havent finish the 1st inning conquest map
These 2 will give me 65k and maybe take another +/- 7 hours of gameplay
So quick calculation after 30 hours of gameplay I should be around 200k
Counting that I wont be able to get much after all these are completed because moments and conquest maps will be done
I will counting on playing games, daily missions ( roughly 1000 xp/day ) for xp
The 200k and over xp progress will take much longer to process....
OMG this is nonsense.
Im not complaining just stating the factsSo your about half way after a day and half but don’t think you’ll be able to finish even though you haven’t really got any of the first inning stuff done? And they actually haven’t even released most of it like showdown, the first player program and so on?
You’ll be there in like 2 days
You don’t think it says something that he’s played for 23 hours in 2 days and isn’t even half way to the 300k xp to unlock an inning boss?
No. The game is still isn’t even really out along with all the missions coming you can see in the main screen and he’s ALREADY half way to the first inning boss. What does he do after he’s there in two more days? He’ll only have 2 remaining weeks to finish the live series Diamond reward and store Diamond choice pack reward. How’s he going to grind the RS Diamond reward Event Diamond reward and BR Diamond reward.
There is almost to many rewards to earn this year and people are wondering where rewards are. That’s what says a lot. In a month when the second and third inning are continually filled with new and shiny diamonds nobody will care about the bronze and silver choice packs at the Gold 85 XP reward spot lmfao
I'm at 150k xp right now, but I played 10 hours a day from Friday. I will never be able to play so much for the rest of the year.
I hope 1st Inning showdown and programms will give us big boost toward bosses, but I don't believe that so much. Conquest was cut in half, daily missions xp rewards are totally ridiculous, so my hopes are not very high -
Also with the servers being a mess, we haven’t been able to really grind this game right anyway.
Going to need to extend this window.
I was thinking about xp amounts rewarded a lot and I think, SDS needs to do something about this issue. Because now only players who will be able to get bosses are 10+ hours a day grinders