I didn’t get any of my pre order content??? Bought the $100 version PS5
Same I didn’t get anything pre order the $85 version
Same here, digital deluxe on PS5.
Here we go with this again. I just logged in and the same thing as you guys. $100 version and got nothing.
Same here
I found them in Shop=>Stubs when I tried to buy stubs that are unavailable! So I got my preorder stuff.
I would love to say I’m surprised but I’m really not
Happened to me too... awesome
check your inventory. I got an error when I tried redeeming but I got all my packs/stubs.
$100 version and Nothing for me either
Go to the stubs page and the only thing to complain about opening weekend is when servers go down everything else is tolerable
Finally showed up for me
Nevermind, gave me an error
Same. Nothing
Showed up
Told me server error when I tried
Nothing yet
I’ve reloaded several times. I paid $400 in stubs earlier and they aren’t showing up
Now it's there but errors when I try to open
It takes a few minutes but wait a bit and then go to buy stubs and u can redeem your stuff
Well then off to bed, won’t wait for it to work now...