Griffey or Soto
Which would you guys recommend? My other outfielders are trout and mantle .
Can't go wrong with either, but I prefer 5 tool guys so I used prestige Griffey who doesn't have a shift unlike Soto.
Griffey for me. I have no idea why I could never get it going with juan
Griffey for sure, lefty on lefty exit velo is still legit when squared you won't be losing out on any power & you'll gain speed & def on top of that.
Griffey. I haven’t performed well with Soto, and Griffey is my best hitter.
Plus better speed, defense, and arm.I’d have Soto on the bench if he’s good for you. You can use him for a double switch situation, or play the hot hand.
Griffey by a mile, better defense and speed and outperforms his splits vs lefty’s.
Both. Remove Mantle.
Have you guys seen many xbox folks in forums yet?