What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@jz2016cubs said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Here is my wishlist
Player Creation mainly for pitching
Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college.
Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low.
Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a [censored] because we to be the best in our draft class
Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph.
Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home.
Two way players. I don't personally care for this but we should have the option. Since now pitchers can't bat in the nl give us the option to make one.
Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player.
Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there.
Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades.
Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress.
88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's.
Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issie of sd studios being too focused on dd l. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing sinkers these days.
Team records both seasonal and all tome franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something.
Playoff records basically the same as the one above.
No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date.
Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements you achieved and how many times you've done it.
Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs and world series mvp ward update them ot shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy.
Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game.
Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech.
Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time.
Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to.
Player and fan interaction
Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers.
Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game on at the table and not my locker.
Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something.
If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane.
Contract and money
Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else
Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from and contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades.
Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options.
Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season.
Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Tell them you'll take a paycut of necessary.
Team future
Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change.
Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31.
The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more.
Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always randomly that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna moce them out of a role
Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game.
More hall of famers please. Guys like greinke, Verlander and scherzer will most likely be hall of famers. Not in this game for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.
Wow, this is good! For choosing your pitching types: I think then people would choose a 102mph 4-seam, and a 76mph changeup. Just a thought.
Next: I have been wanted for your contract to matter for a while.I think that, if SDS listened to us, RTTS could be good again! I quit in 19 because it was boring as heck. I lost interest quickly. If SDS payed attention to 2K and Madden for Franchise and career mode, this game would be WAY better. I would LOVE to get to do an interview, or play at a certain colleges. There is so much that they can do to make it better, and @Critically03 summed it up.
it sounds like you want a game with 3 terabytes of data that would cost $300 to buy
I'm not saying they need to add everything I mentioned but there are some things that should have been in rtts. Starting from high-school or college is a no brainer. Faster upgrades wouldn't be hard either. Really look back on previous rtts and look at how much its backtracked.
The no brainer is you saying it is a no brainer. Lets look at the logistics. SDS would have to get permission from all the HS and or colleges to use their names, logos and uniforms. That would cost money. Then there is the data needed to put all those teams, logos and uniforms into the game.This is the same reason they do not have A level ball and rookie leagues in the game. Again I will say what you want is a 3 terabyte game that costs about $300
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@jz2016cubs said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Here is my wishlist
Player Creation mainly for pitching
Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college.
Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low.
Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a [censored] because we to be the best in our draft class
Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph.
Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home.
Two way players. I don't personally care for this but we should have the option. Since now pitchers can't bat in the nl give us the option to make one.
Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player.
Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there.
Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades.
Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress.
88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's.
Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issie of sd studios being too focused on dd l. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing sinkers these days.
Team records both seasonal and all tome franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something.
Playoff records basically the same as the one above.
No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date.
Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements you achieved and how many times you've done it.
Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs and world series mvp ward update them ot shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy.
Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game.
Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech.
Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time.
Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to.
Player and fan interaction
Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers.
Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game on at the table and not my locker.
Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something.
If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane.
Contract and money
Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else
Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from and contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades.
Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options.
Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season.
Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Tell them you'll take a paycut of necessary.
Team future
Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change.
Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31.
The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more.
Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always randomly that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna moce them out of a role
Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game.
More hall of famers please. Guys like greinke, Verlander and scherzer will most likely be hall of famers. Not in this game for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.
Wow, this is good! For choosing your pitching types: I think then people would choose a 102mph 4-seam, and a 76mph changeup. Just a thought.
Next: I have been wanted for your contract to matter for a while.I think that, if SDS listened to us, RTTS could be good again! I quit in 19 because it was boring as heck. I lost interest quickly. If SDS payed attention to 2K and Madden for Franchise and career mode, this game would be WAY better. I would LOVE to get to do an interview, or play at a certain colleges. There is so much that they can do to make it better, and @Critically03 summed it up.
it sounds like you want a game with 3 terabytes of data that would cost $300 to buy
I'm not saying they need to add everything I mentioned but there are some things that should have been in rtts. Starting from high-school or college is a no brainer. Faster upgrades wouldn't be hard either. Really look back on previous rtts and look at how much its backtracked.
The no brainer is you saying it is a no brainer. Lets look at the logistics. SDS would have to get permission from all the HS and or colleges to use their names, logos and uniforms. That would cost money. Then there is the data needed to put all those teams, logos and uniforms into the game.This is the same reason they do not have A level ball and rookie leagues in the game. Again I will say what you want is a 3 terabyte game that costs about $300
Then make up some high-school and colleges we should just be able to start at that level
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@jz2016cubs said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Here is my wishlist
Player Creation mainly for pitching
Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college.
Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low.
Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a [censored] because we to be the best in our draft class
Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph.
Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home.
Two way players. I don't personally care for this but we should have the option. Since now pitchers can't bat in the nl give us the option to make one.
Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player.
Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there.
Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades.
Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress.
88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's.
Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issie of sd studios being too focused on dd l. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing sinkers these days.
Team records both seasonal and all tome franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something.
Playoff records basically the same as the one above.
No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date.
Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements you achieved and how many times you've done it.
Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs and world series mvp ward update them ot shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy.
Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game.
Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech.
Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time.
Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to.
Player and fan interaction
Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers.
Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game on at the table and not my locker.
Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something.
If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane.
Contract and money
Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else
Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from and contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades.
Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options.
Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season.
Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Tell them you'll take a paycut of necessary.
Team future
Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change.
Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31.
The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more.
Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always randomly that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna moce them out of a role
Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game.
More hall of famers please. Guys like greinke, Verlander and scherzer will most likely be hall of famers. Not in this game for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.
Wow, this is good! For choosing your pitching types: I think then people would choose a 102mph 4-seam, and a 76mph changeup. Just a thought.
Next: I have been wanted for your contract to matter for a while.I think that, if SDS listened to us, RTTS could be good again! I quit in 19 because it was boring as heck. I lost interest quickly. If SDS payed attention to 2K and Madden for Franchise and career mode, this game would be WAY better. I would LOVE to get to do an interview, or play at a certain colleges. There is so much that they can do to make it better, and @Critically03 summed it up.
it sounds like you want a game with 3 terabytes of data that would cost $300 to buy
I'm not saying they need to add everything I mentioned but there are some things that should have been in rtts. Starting from high-school or college is a no brainer. Faster upgrades wouldn't be hard either. Really look back on previous rtts and look at how much its backtracked.
The no brainer is you saying it is a no brainer. Lets look at the logistics. SDS would have to get permission from all the HS and or colleges to use their names, logos and uniforms. That would cost money. Then there is the data needed to put all those teams, logos and uniforms into the game.This is the same reason they do not have A level ball and rookie leagues in the game. Again I will say what you want is a 3 terabyte game that costs about $300
And stop saying a 3 terabyte game it sounds really stupid
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@pogibana said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
$300 to buy
No, as other games have this stuff, and they are not 3 terabytes of data and they don't cost $300.
ok name one. Let me explain what I am saying so you will understand what you have no knowledge of. You want HS and college teams so even if they made up names for the schools this is what that would entail. Lets just say they create 12 HS and 12 colleges so you need to create 24 names, logos and uniform designs. Then at least for the HS you would need to create 12 new ballfields totally unlike the stadiums that are in the game now. Then because you have players starting in school you would need to have the A level professional teams because that is where all draftees start. That would involve getting the rights to all those teams. Then creating their logos and uniforms. All that would require many, many hours of programming and would require a whole lot of data. There is not any game that sells for the price we pay for this one that has all that in it. Not to mention all the fake players in the school level that would need to be created.
Why are you acting like we have to have single a our players already go up to double a. You are acting like this is gonna be some huge groundbreaking thing when other sports games have done this before and haven't been that large. How much experience do you have in programming because you are sounding way too confident. You really believe this would be a 3 terabyte game for 300 dollars. Really look at what I listed and tell me how it takes 3 tb.
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@Catman9186 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Based on your performance in the player showcase, have that actually affect what round you're drafted in. Don't have it pre-set. Seems like you can load your RTTS 10x and the same team will keep drafting you. As a SP, your player should automatically respond to balls hit behind him and at least turn around to watch the play instead of just staring at the catcher.
Also, if I don't pick a team I want to get drafted to, don't have me always get drafted by the same team. I always get drafted by the Tigers in RTTS '20.
I'd like to know how in the hell you get the bat skins like the Anomoly... Information on how to collect rewards doesn't seem too hard...
@timeparadox96 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Catman9186 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Based on your performance in the player showcase, have that actually affect what round you're drafted in. Don't have it pre-set. Seems like you can load your RTTS 10x and the same team will keep drafting you. As a SP, your player should automatically respond to balls hit behind him and at least turn around to watch the play instead of just staring at the catcher.
Also, if I don't pick a team I want to get drafted to, don't have me always get drafted by the same team. I always get drafted by the Tigers in RTTS '20.
the team that drafts you is the team with the need so if you don't want to pick your team and you want to be drafted by somebody else I would suggest play horrible in the show case so you will be farther down the list
@Big_Daddy_Kaine said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
I'd like to know how in the hell you get the bat skins like the Anomoly... Information on how to collect rewards doesn't seem too hard...
Kinda the wrong thread for this but I agree.
I want the Pure Power skin. I had it in 19.
(I think it was when I became a 99 overall.)
but I can't do that again for the same guy in 20.
And the scalpers are ridiculous in the market for it. -
1. Pitching animations tend to be slower than in real life. The animations need a bit more speed. Maybe time for a game speed slider?Visuals:
1. See more emotions in the game like players reacting to error on field, making a impressive play on field, pitchers not getting the calls they want, batters not getting the calls they want.
2. Teammates in dugout chilling and cheering on their teammates who are at bat or on the field.
3. Show managers mad/yelling about a certain call that the umpire made.Commentary:
1. Smarter and deeper level of commentary. The commentary is the same in every game. Maybe update the commentary every few weeks. Madden did this.RTTS:
1. Increasing overall should be faster. And caps should be removed. It's nothing more annoying than trying to increase a skill but it's blocked with a cap. Old school style of upgrading what you want with skill point.
2. Ability to call your agent whenever and not just in between the season or off season. (example: demanding trade immediately, changing to any position, speaking with media). In real life players have full control over their careers .
3. Switching positions to the one you want instead of the suggested one (example: changing from pitcher to outfield, catcher to infield, outfield to pitcher, etc). In rtts we can't change our position, the game chooses the position for us.
4. Interviews with media that influence teammates to play better, encourage more fans to show up, boost team sales, boost team attraction for free agents to sign with team, etc.
5. Make contracts actually mean something (example: buying different style jewelry, upgrading player skills, buying a house, car, personal chef , or trainer.) Like as you get better (more money) in the league you go from apartment to condo to home to mansion. Almost similar to GTA . The more top rank and money you make the better lavish your living situation is.
6. Asking management to target certain players in free agency as well as asking management to keep certain players who you enjoy on the team like in 2K.
7. Apartment, condo, or home in rtts would be cool cause let's be real players aren't in lockerooms 24/7. Also would be cool to see actual rings/trophies/awards our rtts player has earned like in a trophy/display case.
8. After awhile of playing RTTS I found dynamic/boss challenges and player skill increase/player relationship icons intrusive during gameplay. These things should be more subtle, or optioned to be turned off. It makes rtts gameplay seem more arcade while playing on field.
9. Keyword is control. I feel like letting the user have more control over rtts player would make it more fun on field and off field. Checking social media, talking to media like MLB Network, signing sponsorship deals to a brand, upgrading apartment to mansion, using contract money to buy tattoos, clothes, cars, equipment, hire trainer for offseason to boost overall, etc. Maybe some of this over the top but you get my point. Accessories:
1. Fix the jordan 1's. The coloring on the top flap of the shoe should match the red color. And can we see shoe laces tied now?
2. New elbow gaurds
3. Baserunning mitts -
@Ktothemarvel said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
- Ability to call your agent whenever and not just in between the season or off season. (example: demanding trade immediately, changing to any position, speaking with media). In real life players have full control over their careers .
The only control they have in the first seven years is to quit the sport if they don’t get what they want. Or something to that effect. And during a contract, they can’t just decide to change teams. So full control isn’t accurate.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Ktothemarvel said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
2. Ability to call your agent whenever and not just in between the season or off season. (example: demanding trade immediately, changing to any position, speaking with media). In real life players have full control over their careers .
The only control they have in the first seven years is to quit the sport if they don’t get what they want. Or something to that effect. And during a contract, they can’t just decide to change teams. So full control isn’t accurate.
Ehhh it depends on the player, if you’re a tatis or kershaw they won’t just let you walk away from the game because you can’t get what you want. Organizations are known for pleasing certain players to keep them to stay with a team. Not just baseball but other sports as well. If the player is worth the money the organization will do whatever they can to keep/sign them on the team. For example with the Lakers they let Lebron have say so on who he wants on the team.
@joemann9725 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Can you please bring back the skill point and you can spend them how you want. I hate the progression system turned me off the game mode.
Yes! When they did this it totally ruined rtts for me! It’s so tedious, along with a cut scene every freaking series! Rtts used to be amazing but not anymore
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Here is my wishlist
Player Creation mainly for pitching
Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college.
Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low.
Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a [censored] because we to be the best in our draft class
Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph.
Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home.
Two way players. I don't personally care for this but we should have the option. Since now pitchers can't bat in the nl give us the option to make one.
Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player.
Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there.
Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades.
Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress.
88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's.
Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issie of sd studios being too focused on dd l. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing sinkers these days.
Team records both seasonal and all tome franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something.
Playoff records basically the same as the one above.
No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date.
Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements you achieved and how many times you've done it.
Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs and world series mvp ward update them ot shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy.
Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game.
Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech.
Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time.
Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to.
Player and fan interaction
Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers.
Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game on at the table and not my locker.
Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something.
If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane.
Contract and money
Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else
Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from and contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades.
Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options.
Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season.
Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Tell them you'll take a paycut of necessary.
Team future
Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change.
Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31.
The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more.
Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always randomly that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna moce them out of a role
Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game.
More hall of famers please. Guys like greinke, Verlander and scherzer will most likely be hall of famers. Not in this game for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.
This whole list is exactly what we need! We need a complete overhaul of rtts! Please give us back training points! No more of this cap on attributes/ archetype garbage. Make money of your contact matter, on the back of your player card show us our accomplishments! Give pitchers a chance to win WS or LCS MVP awards! More acknowledged stats broken by the announcers. Fix the trading sliders, get rid of the agent entirely because he’s completely useless. And again please bring back training points, the cap on our attributes destroyed this mode for me
At this point I'd be satisfied with existing features not bugging out. I'm tired of completely losing all training and clubhouse/rivalry options barely 1-2 months into my guy's career.
@MLBTHEJOE said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
@Critically03 said in What improvements do you want to see in RTTS for MLB The Show 21?:
Here is my wishlist
Player Creation mainly for pitching
Start off in high-school or college or even both and play some games there. I can't be the only one who is tired of the topps showcase where we can't even increase our overall. Save that for after you are done with highscool and college.
Start off with higher stamina. It is literrally the stat that takes the longest to increase 65 stamina is far too low.
Choose a second archtype to go along with the first so your stats look more like a top pitching prospect and not a [censored] because we to be the best in our draft class
Choose how fast you want your pitches to be. I don't think velocity needs to be a attribute anymore. Before you start you should be able to choose the velocity you want for each pitch. Obviously you and have a minimum and maximum velo for example a changeup you can choose from 76 mph to 88 mph.
Draft day. The draft screen is boring you should be able to go up put on jersey in front of people or watch from home.
Two way players. I don't personally care for this but we should have the option. Since now pitchers can't bat in the nl give us the option to make one.
Get rid of caps please it just slows down the progression of our player.
Choose multiple things to train and do it whenever you want to. The worst part about training you have three options. Fielding weights and bullpen or batting. The problem is you can only pick one. You should be able to do all three of them and choose what you want to increase not have it give you options and the thing you want to upgrade isn' there.
Another solution could be to hire personal trainers to help you upgrade. That way the money you make from your contract matters because you could sign for 15 years 30k a year and it would matter. The better the trainer the better your upgrades.
Off season training to keep your guy in shape as you start to regress.
88 mph change ups. Why is it not an option for created players every other mlb player can have it but not created one's.
Give us the outliner quirk. This is the issie of sd studios being too focused on dd l. That quirk that lets you exceed the max velo would be awesome to have in rtts espically with how fast guys are throwing sinkers these days.
Team records both seasonal and all tome franchise records. There are enough lists with franchise rankings on the mlb at bat app alone I don't think this would be hard. We have been given the same records. Imagine you break your team season record and they play it on the jumbo tron you surpassed x person for the franchise record in home runs or something.
Playoff records basically the same as the one above.
No hit tracker I remember when the game used to tell you that you acheived your first no hitter or your first perfect game and now it doesn't. Every time somebody gets a no no or perfecto it should tracked on a list in a seperate page with the name date and amount of ks. We currently have something like that with team records but it only displays the number and not the person or date.
Keep achievements on the back of the players baseball card. What I mean by this is when you go to the player card imagine you flip it over it shows you your season numbers but also the achievements you achieved and how many times you've done it.
Change the image for the mvp award. It's not even how it's supposed to look like the same can be said about the lcs and world series mvp ward update them ot shouldn't have taken this long to change that ugly looking trophy.
Add the platinum glove award. It's been around for a while. Shouldn't be too hard to have in the game.
Award ceremony during the off season where they present you your award and you can give a speech.
Fix the cy young award glitch. I have seen it in previous games but come on it's still there. Every home game I'm presented with the cy young award. I can win mvp and the triple crown but they give me the stupid cy young every time.
Pitchers should be able to win the lcs and world series mvp awards I don't know why they aren't able to.
Player and fan interaction
Interview. Give my guy a voice and let me give an interview after the game. Base on the personality I chose earlier on in my player creation that influences how I answers.
Change the setting for the playoffs. Interview after every game on at the table and not my locker.
Let me hype up the crowd after a big play or a big out something.
If I leave a team for money or force my way out if I come back to play aginst them fans should boo me out the stadium. One of the biggest issues for rtts is the fans. They sound lifeless and don't really enhance the experience. The playoff atmosphere should be insane.
Contract and money
Sponsorships i don't need to say anything else
Make my agent matter more. Maybe the more money I spend from and contracts and I make from my sponsorship I can get a better agent who will be better at contract negotiations and get me better trades.
Contracts. No trade clauses, higher deals shorter length not more 31 mil per year cap and opt out options.
Influence. Maybe you want to play with a certain player you should be able to go to management and tell them to try and trade for them or sign them in the off season.
Request for management to not let certain players go. You want to keep someone tell them to keep em on the team no matter the cost. Tell them you'll take a paycut of necessary.
Team future
Pitching teammates barely improve. Their stamina always goes down and never up that definitely needs to change.
Player regression happens too quickly. Guys like nolan, trout, story and yelich regress too quickly by the age of 30 or 31.
The guys who win rookie of the year fall of the face of the earth they need to be able to build their potential more.
Position changes. If they want to take a guy out of the cp role fine he must be doing bad. But in the game it's always randomly that it happens and they replace him with somebody worse. At least change the positions of players if the cpu is gonna moce them out of a role
Team jersey retirement. It would be cool if this was added into the game.
More hall of famers please. Guys like greinke, Verlander and scherzer will most likely be hall of famers. Not in this game for some reason they never make it which is weird because before they would make it. Be a little more lenient to qualifications on who will make. Have a list too because if a guys doesn't retire with a team there is no way to track it.
This whole list is exactly what we need! We need a complete overhaul of rtts! Please give us back training points! No more of this cap on attributes/ archetype garbage. Make money of your contact matter, on the back of your player card show us our accomplishments! Give pitchers a chance to win WS or LCS MVP awards! More acknowledged stats broken by the announcers. Fix the trading sliders, get rid of the agent entirely because he’s completely useless. And again please bring back training points, the cap on our attributes destroyed this mode for me
I agree with some things but not all. I started playing in 2009 when you just played baseball so I am kind of old school. If they are going to have some of the interaction they started with you are correct that our player should have a voice. In the game Grand Theft Auto all the characters have voices so I would think they could do it here. I think you should have a choice for the voice when you create him just like you choose body style, hair style and facial hair. As I mentioned I played the older versions and I prefer the the old point system that you could apply to the attributes you wanted to.