90+ choice packs
I’m closing in on the 90 plus choice pack found in the prestige xp. Can anyone tell me what to expect. Can I pick from any live over 90, will I get a choice from a small group (3-5), or will they pick one for me. I’m looking for one of the big 4 Trout, degrom, cole, or Verlander. What are my odds? After all this is there a really good chance that it’s a new 90 like Bieber, Abreu, etc. (someone I already have multiples of?)
You choose 1 out of 5 randomly selected
Small group of 5, I lucked out with Trout and Cole
There will be 5 random over 90+ Liveseries players to chise from. You may get lucky and pull Trout/Degrom or you may get someone like Freeman
Prepare for disappointment, you could very easily get 5 high diamonds that weren't high-diamond to begin the year and go for like 10k.
Though if you get Degrom you are set
Earlier it was pretty much guaranteed $$. Now the odds are not in you're favor.. My best choice was 14k.
I got freeman. Solid 10k in the bank.
I was so anxious when I got close to mine. I got Judge /:
I think I speak for all of us when I say we are rooting for you!
Thanks everyone for the insight.
I got Degrom so far .............
I hit my prestige 90 pack last night and lucked out with Verlander in the bunch - and a bunch of the newer, less expensive 90+ LS diamonds.
I got a Degrom, it was exceedingly helpful; sold it and grabbed 13 cards
I hit 90 last night. My choices were between DeGrom, Trout, Cole, Verlander, and I think Scherzer. Couldn’t believe it.
@kowalkevin said in 90+ choice packs:
I hit 90 last night. My choices were between DeGrom, Trout, Cole, Verlander, and I think Scherzer. Couldn’t believe it.
lucky there - my best was Freeman
I'm 3 levels away from 45 prestige which would be the first chance at Trout..... who am I kidding it's going to be Freeman
I hit Prestige 45 a couple of weeks ago and my best option was Betts, who I sold for $22K at the time. Disappointing, to say the least...
Anyone who hits Prestige 45 almost certainly has the live series completed. Instead of the Live Series Lottery, it should just be a flat amount of Stubs like $100K or something (the $10K rewards along the Prestige path are pretty silly, also).