I’m confused
Is lightning collection not going to go towards Trout? Why was it under the Trout collection then? Last one I needed.
There was never a voucher for lightning players... i sorry
It never was, it was in that section before Trout was even there.
Stupid game design is the cause for your confusion. Shouldn't even come up when opening the trout collection. But yeah, I skimmed through the menus first time around and thought the same as you.
Its technically the legends and flashbacks collection. That’s why its there. They labeled it trout because there is no where else to put it. The lightning collection has never been tied to trout at all
Ya but up until today the lightning part was on the right mixed in with the other collections needed for Trout
Yes but there was never anything that suggested you got a voucher from it. The others do
I'm physhstx, nice to meet you!!