Favorite Part of the game?
We always talk about what we hate most.... But what is your favorite part? For me it's gotta be the grind for collections *without spending money! This was the first year I was able to do live series collections and getting mantle actually felt like a good achievement during these times. Takes you back to being a kid (if you are older) and buying packs/boxes from card stars and what not.
Definitely, the content. Game play ...... ugh, because they can do better there is potential whit perfect-perfect swing and perfect throws but content 9.8/10
My favorite part of the game is when my opponent is clearly overmatched and i put up crooked numbers in the first two innings early and he quits in the 4th saving me from the shenanigans from the 6th inning on.
Or when I know my opponent cant identify a pitch and I spam curveballs and they determine to let me keep throwing them for balls...and the cpu punishes me and hangs my curveball down the middle for strike 3 since he put the controller down.....
I find offline content (specifically conquest, showdown, MtO, and RttS) to be significantly more fun than RS this year. I played probably 80/20 online/offline last year but this year it’s more like 2/98.
@tomivory23 said in Favorite Part of the game?:
My favorite part of the game is when my opponent is clearly overmatched and i put up crooked numbers in the first two innings early and he quits in the 4th saving me from the shenanigans from the 6th inning on.
Or when I know my opponent cant identify a pitch and I spam curveballs and they determine to let me keep throwing them for balls...and the cpu punishes me and hangs my curveball down the middle for strike 3 since he put the controller down.....
If there was a dislike button. This comment would get it. Don’t hijack an otherwise lighthearted post to talk about gameplay issues. There are hundreds of other threads for that