Pitcher Stamina
While I agree with SDS's intentions of nerfing starting pitcher stamina so that people are discouraged from using starters as relievers, I think that they could have figured out a cleaner solution for it. I've had a couple games now where my opponent has quit early and I personally don't think that that should mean the starter I had used that game should have under 50% energy. Maybe they should consider making it so that the 50% stamina reduction only applies to starters that are used as relievers?
Or, and I would honestly prefer this solution, give the relievers full stamina bars! From day 1 it didn't make sense to me why relievers didn't get full stamina bars when their stamina already depletes at a very fast rate. I think this would be very valuable in further discouraging the use of starting pitchers as relievers since the relievers would actually be able to throw more than 15 pitches in an inning before becoming unusable.
They should absolutely give relievers full stamina bars, and code an exception where if the opponent quits then there is no auto-drain.
Yeah this patch they put in for this is SO BAD please fix this awful patch you guys made!