Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?
Sorry if this has been answered 100 times, buuuuut: Are the rewards from the 7th inning showdown repeatable? Not the inning rewards, but the packs themselves? Like if I do it twice will I get the Ballin' is a Habit packs both times?
Yes you get the rewards again
Thanks for the response!
Wait really? I thought that these were a one time thing? The only one that has been repeatable until now is the big map? Has that changed?
@samguenther1987 said in Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?:
Wait really? I thought that these were a one time thing? The only one that has been repeatable until now is the big map? Has that changed?
The showdowns have always be repeatable you just don’t get stars
samguenther1987wrote on Aug 15, 2020, 11:27 PM last edited by samguenther1987_PSN Aug 15, 2020, 11:29 PM
O of course that's my bad i read that to quickly and thought he mentioned the conquest map. Bad reading on my part (maybe some wishfull thinking as well) Thanks.
Has anyone ever gotten a diamond from those packs, two years not one diamond
I’ve pulled spencer Howard and McKay out of ballin is a habit packs
@Styxx22 said in Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?:
Has anyone ever gotten a diamond from those packs, two years not one diamond
I got Cole and A Chapman today after beating it ( 6th time I have gotten Cole, still never gotten Trout).... but I didn’t get any Ballin or Show pack diamonds in the shark map, so guess it balances out...
@Styxx22 said in Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?:
Has anyone ever gotten a diamond from those packs, two years not one diamond
I've at least pulled a Verlander/Harper and Alonso this year there may be more that i'm forgetting.
Yes quite a few
I got Cole and Mathewson our of ballin packs today. I thought you could only get ls diamonds out of ballin packs. When it said postseason series, I was pretty fired up.
I also pulled mookie out of a pack tonight today. I know that’s not as exciting, but it’s still a 90+ diamond. So, that’s pretty amazing luck.
Freeze_Time_replied to MattyOH111 on Aug 16, 2020, 8:02 AM last edited by Freeze_Time__PSN Aug 16, 2020, 8:03 AM
@MattyOH111 said in Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?:
I’ve pulled spencer Howard and McKay out of ballin is a habit packs
2 Trouts. First was last week and another today from the Shark conquest. Those are the only diamonds from BIAH packs that I can recall.
Many diamonds from BIAH since I've played all year and grinded TA for the bundles
Smh. Why do yall post stuff like this? Everytime it's something good for us everyone starts posting it and SDS patches it. Like no one can keep things to themselves!! IJS
@Styxx22 said in Repeating 7th inning showdown for ballin is a habit packs?:
Has anyone ever gotten a diamond from those packs, two years not one diamond
I've pulled Scherzer, Verlander, Trout, Bellinger, and as of last night, Arenado twice from these BiaH packs (TA3 rewards). Ive also packed quite a few other diamonds as well. Before the TA3 packs, I think I pulled 2 diamond players out of them though.