Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?
@lucas8181 said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
@lazy_toast said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
@lucas8181 said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
@lazy_toast said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
@lucas8181 said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
@lazy_toast said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
i havent beat a showdown yet :(. Been playing for about a month and they are just ridiculously hard. Im like 0 for 8
It took me a lot more than 8 tries to get good at it. Keep going, you'll get there eventually. I spent the last few weeks grinding the 6th inning showdown on repeat for packs, stubs, and most importantly, XP. The more you do it, they easier they get.
thanks man. They arent to bad, pretty fun just frustrating getting so close all the time and losing. i would say the worst thing about them is time. Takes like an hour for one lol
For sure. I will say, if I'm not getting runs from the early challenges I consider restarting to save time. I'm not looking to go into the final boss 4-15.
you know i never thought of it like that. how many points do you like to have midway? how about at the boss?
I don't like failing more than one or two. If I fail a 1 run moment, I don't sweat it, but the 2 run ones hurt. I generally go into the final boss down by 2 or 3 runs.
[censored] i havent been that close. Think I got to 8 runs on the 6th inning one and lost 15-15.
@lucas8181 said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
Now that I've finally gotten good at showdown, i'm really excited to use the new bosses in showdown. If it's anything like the 6th inning, there will be some nice packs to earn along the way as well. Anyone else feeling that way as we approach the final hour before they drop the content?
the map yea, the players no. my first year playing and i bought musial, maddux and rollins to get the 75 point boost thinking cards would get better, i was wrong, im just glad i havent spent real money on this, legs would need broken had i spent real money on this garbage.
I like the idea and rewards from showdown. I hate actually playing them.
@MikeForbes101 said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
I like the idea and rewards from showdown. I hate actually playing them.
i envy you cats who can consistently beat showdown, i cant win past veteran level lmao.
Just failed my first try on 7th SD, I play on a TV and hitting 102 on a TV is just impossible for me. I struggle with every pitcher that hits this velocity. It's beyond frusterating
@Dthomp said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
Just failed my first try on 7th SD, I play on a TV and hitting 102 on a TV is just impossible for me. I struggle with every pitcher that hits this velocity. It's beyond frusterating
Have you turned on game mode? It helps. 102 is hard to catch up to on a TV or monitor though.
i cant beat a team past veteran level so no showdowns blow
haven't completed Showdown since inning 2 program. Don't need it to get to 300 stars.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
I am so burned out on showdown, that I only do it for the inning points.
It is good in theory, it just needs some refining for next year. The all or nothing approach, coupled with the time sink and beyond belief fielding by the CPU needs to be tweeked.
Same here, too stressful for me lol. Only once every inning
@lazy_toast said in Am I the only one excited for a 7th inning showdown?:
i havent beat a showdown yet :(. Been playing for about a month and they are just ridiculously hard. Im like 0 for 8
Yea i have only beat one myself. I get to the final boss and its just out after out no matter what!! Ill smash the missions and get to the final and everything hit is an out!
yea, 7th inning is gar bage