Sell Hornsby now or keep?
I bought him for 113k. If I sold him now I would lose a little more than 30k. If I held onto him and there is a beach ball pack in the program I would lose way more stubs. If there ISN'T a beach ball pack I could break even. What do you all think the move is here?
jz2016cubsreplied to Breadsticks21221 on Aug 14, 2020, 3:44 PM last edited by jz2016cubs_PSN Aug 14, 2020, 3:45 PM
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
I bought him for 113k. If I sold him now I would lose a little more than 30k. If I held onto him and there is a beach ball pack in the program I would lose way more stubs. If there ISN'T a beach ball pack I could break even. What do you all think the move is here?
I would wait. There is no way there could be an elite pack, in my opinion. They made the rare tier WAY too good for that. They would need 102 overall cards for that.
They would have needed to make the base cards lower, and then the rare cards 97-98 for that. -
@jz2016cubs said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
I bought him for 113k. If I sold him now I would lose a little more than 30k. If I held onto him and there is a beach ball pack in the program I would lose way more stubs. If there ISN'T a beach ball pack I could break even. What do you all think the move is here?
I would wait. There is no way there could be an elite pack, in my opinion. They made the rare tier WAY too good for that. They would need 102 overall cards for that.
They aren't releasing a rare tier for sure but they could make some of these packs free
It is a big risk Mr. Sticks.
If there is a beach ball pack in today's shark map your 30k loss might end up being a 60k loss.
There is nothing coming that will drive his price up. The card will only depriciate more and more over time.If you are determined to sell...sell now and cut your losses.
jz2016cubsreplied to Breadsticks21221 on Aug 14, 2020, 3:46 PM last edited by jz2016cubs_PSN Aug 14, 2020, 3:47 PM
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@jz2016cubs said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
I bought him for 113k. If I sold him now I would lose a little more than 30k. If I held onto him and there is a beach ball pack in the program I would lose way more stubs. If there ISN'T a beach ball pack I could break even. What do you all think the move is here?
I would wait. There is no way there could be an elite pack, in my opinion. They made the rare tier WAY too good for that. They would need 102 overall cards for that.
They aren't releasing a rare tier for sure but they could make some of these packs free
Maybe in the shark map. That is true... I would wait still. If you keep him for a while, it will be worth it. You will have been able to use him, and then STILL get your money back
@ItsaCanesthing true. His price might keep gong down. I guess he might be right. I might sell. I don't even know anymore!
If there is a pack in this conquest map, which very well may be the case, the value of that card is cooked.
It will go down. There is nothing that will prop up it's value.
The card was readily available. We all know there will be more Beach ball packs, further increasing the supply of cards.All cards that are not BR/WS rewards decrease in value rapidly.
Sell now and don't look back. -
@ItsaCanesthing said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
It will go down. There is nothing that will prop up it's value.
The card was readily available. We all know there will be more Beach ball packs, further increasing the supply of cards.All cards that are not BR/WS rewards decrease in value rapidly.
Sell now and don't look back.Dang it, should have sold him at 100k. I'll take my 30k loss I guess
Yup, sell, maybe they crash hard today and you can then buy back if you want for profit.
And really it’s not an impossible thought that they add a rare tier. Votto and Brett were 99s and in the mid tier of last years SS packs.
I just sold mine. Thankfully, only paid 80k, so only took about 2.5k hit, but I am worried there could be a beach ball pack in the Shark Map....and that would be doom for this card. if there isn't, he'll be fine for a few weeks, but since I have a nice platoon have Jackie and Carew already, I just went ahead and sold....hopefully wont have to wait too long for Joe Morgan.....
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
just don't sell sale util there is a stub sale for sell.
I kept my Robert, but not because of the stub game, I just enjoy him far too much to get rid of him.
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
Just remember any card in your binder that you are not using is losing value each day.
High value cards that you are not using should be sold unless you need them for a collection. And even then you could sell the card and buy cheaper cards for said collection.At this point we are big game hunting and looking for 99's to replace other 99's based on personal preference/personal performance.
@ItsaCanesthing said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
Just remember any card in your binder that you are not using is losing value each day.
High value cards that you are not using should be sold unless you need them for a collection. And even then you could sell the card and buy cheaper cards for said collection.At this point we are big game hunting and looking for 99's to replace other 99's based on personal preference/personal performance.
Not completely true. Previous inning bosses will keep going up in value (Walker, I'm looking at you). Headliner cards will keep going up, until a flash sale temporarily tanks their prices. Any card you can no l longer get goes up in price.
The value of this pack was $40K at the shop. Compare that to HRD at $20K when released. Point here is there aren't releasing this for "free" and they haven't released an Elite Tier Ducks in a Conquest either.
Also agree there won't be an Elite tier as the 99s are Elite. I'd expect a bounce back after pack goes away and his price to settle close to $100K. Over time, value will just come down to how frequent they pulse these packs and flash sales.
@lucas8181 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
just don't sell sale util there is a stub sale for sell.
I kept my Robert, but not because of the stub game, I just enjoy him far too much to get rid of him.
Makes sense. I want Chris Sale first lol. He should probably come back out soon
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
OG2 why did you want to sell him? He didn't work for you?
@TEXAS10PT said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
@Breadsticks21221 said in Sell Hornsby now or keep?:
Just sold. Thanks for the help everyone! I'm gonna buy that Chris Sale I've wanted for weeks today hopefully!
OG2 why did you want to sell him? He didn't work for you?
He wasn’t worth the price and I want my role model Chris sale lol
I had him, finally opened my prestige 25 card - and took Ramirez ... Don't think he'll be out of the line up anytime soon.. 2 games.. 3HR's and a triple... small sample size, but Hornsby was good but not GREAT..
Planning to grab Ramirez as well (24 level Prestige). Thames and Springer are likely "better" but I've been rotating guys thru 2B Ramirez just fits the squad better right now. Great to hear he's doing well for you!!