HRD cards
I'm sitting on Luis Gonzales (14,000) Ripken (106,000) and Alonso ( 109,000)
I didn't have to do the HRD collection to get Trout and am wondering if I should sell these guys off. I don't really need the stubs but I don't use the cards either.
The only thing that worries me is this....In the event there are set 1 and set 2 packs as rewards. My thought is SDS is doing this because there might be more collections coming down the road?
Thoughts ?
Sell them they will never be worth more then they are now and these HRD packs will show up again in conquest ot a flash sale killing the current value
Roger that
I'd sell now. You know SDS will give us more of these packs for free and the price will dive. Best to sell now and buy back later, if you want.
Well that was quick.... Just sold Alonso 3 seconds after my listing. LOL
Thanks guys !