RTTS Training Stopped Occurring
I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else but I loaded my 19 RTTS pitcher into 20 and for a while everything was normal with training happening every three days but a couple of days ago the trainings just stopped happening and I can't figure out why? It doesn't look like it's auto-training me and I'm only gaining through playing actual games. I checked all the settings and couldn't find anything. It's late June on the calendar so does that have something to do with it? Any help would be much appreciated.
I had this same problem and posted about it too. I started 2 new files, both SP, and the training stopped showing up in June on both. I deleted the game files and saves and reinstalled, and started a new file. I haven’t gotten to June yet but I’ll let you know if it helped when I get there. Really frustrating.
I got this same issue, with a right fielder. Third season, first in the majors. Training and hot/cold streaks disappeared during the playoffs (lost the WS in the 11th to a walk off home run by Lindor). I thought this was a feature in the playoffs, then still neither in Spring Training. I simulated some games and got to the regular season and same issue. Really like my players, so hate to see this happen.
I had the same problem. So I saved my game closed the game/app and reloaded. Works fine now.
Thanks for the response. However, I deleted the game from my PS4 and reloaded, and same problem. Should I have done something in addition? I backed up my files; should I delete them, delete the game, and then reload?
It came back! I finished ST (with no training opps during any breaks), and in the first break of the regular season, I got a training opp. Go figure. I'll report if it disappears again. Still no streaks.
I’m having the same issue since late September of my first year. Went all through Spring Training and I’m in June & have only gotten Clubhouse and Rivalry in months. Really frustrating! I’ve got changes I’d like to make & I’m stuck. Wondering if I need to just abandon this player and start over.