Thoughts on TA3
I’m more disappointed in the card art than the players. I was a collector as a kid, so I appreciate the nostalgia of seeing FB cards, it was fine for the FOTF set, but all these guys could have been associated with one of the usual FB sets.
I think they are perfectly fine. Exactly what I expected. Anyone that says these are an L had too high of expectations and won’t be pleased by any cards other than Griffey or Babe. Card art is trash though. I think we can all agree on that
@isaacashk123 said in Thoughts on TA3:
That’s facts i feel like they could’ve done better but i mean i’m gonna still do whichever i have completed because stage 4 is gonna be stacked
I agree 100%. I’m sure there will be some useful cards just overall disappointed with the stage as a whole.
I dont think the cards are meant to be the best overall, I think the point of team affinity is for people that haven't completed the collections to still be able to get top cards easier. I'm happy so far.
Pretty on par with what I expected so far.
Meh. Unless they address some of the gameplay issues, TA is irrelevant to me.
I had a few weird glitches in 5th inning conquest against the Yankees the morning.
Even though this SS glitch was in my favor, it takes you out of the game immersion...
They haven’t released all the names yet... there is still going to be some absolute fire.
I think they did great with these.
I dont know what people expected. The 99 Griffey, Alomar, Ted type cards are going to be in TA4, or in that same time-frame most likely.
I know people are expecting finest, but I can't see them not doing a separate program for that complete with 40k packs to buy.
@maskedgrappler said in Thoughts on TA3:
I dont know what people expected. The 99 Griffey, Alomar, Ted type cards are going to be in TA4, or in that same time-frame most likely.
I know people are expecting finest, but I can't see them not doing a separate program for that complete with 40k packs to buy.
I don’t see how they can have legends in TA4 though either. I agree with you that they would more likely want finest in packs, but they are not capable of doing legends in TA4. George Brett is the best player in Royals history. By a lot. There is nobody else they can put there
The cards are great at this stage in the game’s cycle. People saying they are trash are entitled brats but the card art is lazy. Did sds stop paying a good artist this year or something? Even the background for the inning programs has been lazy af
Free content and we still find reasons to complain. Every team got a 97 plus guy available. That’s a w
@Speedy44 said in Thoughts on TA3:
Free content and we still find reasons to complain. Every team got a 97 plus guy available. That’s a w