When will it drop? I spent all of my stubs a few days ago and I’m only at 6k now. Should I invest now or later?
my guess is what would have been the all star break, so second or first week of july.
ive been low key buying up LS cards with spare stubs lying around, seems like a good idea to keep a steady flow of investment (i'm still saving up stubs for a potential Tom Seaver drop tomorrow tho too)
@olivegarden2 said in TA3:
When will it drop? I spent all of my stubs a few days ago and I’m only at 6k now. Should I invest now or later?
I thought maybe June 21, the beginning of summer. Someone said the first week of July.
I imagine about 3 weeks. We get Father's Day program and new Ducks on the Pond this week. The 5th inning program next week and then maybe the following week or two, I imagine.
I believe first week of July. Pure speculation.