Battle Royal matchmaking
It’s terrible. I just played back to back prestige players. And you can say xp doesn’t make a player good. But it does mean they play constantly. Thus they’re prob pretty good. The second guy I played had a 12-0 banner and the goat bat skin. I’m a guy that has never made World Series and never won more than 6 in BR. These matchups are tremendously uneven
It's just based on your current run, why would it be fair for good players if matchmaking was based upon your rank? Then people who are mediocre have an easier matchup to go 12-0
Yeah this thread is useless, you could match up with the world #1 if you're both 0-0.
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
Not directly but it does tell a lot. Someone who has non stop been playing since day 1 at a prestige level is gonna be better than someone who plays here and there and is silver
@ejwik13 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
Not directly but it does tell a lot. Someone who has non stop been playing since day 1 at a prestige level is gonna be better than someone who plays here and there and is silver
Not necessarily. Most of these virgins played retro mode and HR derby to get there
@ejwik13 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
@necessaryninja31 said in Battle Royal matchmaking:
you realize that XP level doesn't directly correlate to skill level dont you?
Not directly but it does tell a lot. Someone who has non stop been playing since day 1 at a prestige level is gonna be better than someone who plays here and there and is silver
Completely disagree. Most veteran BR players will be judged on their ability to take pitches and lineup construction. I’ve lost more BR games to people in bronze and silver XP levels than prestige. This is because many top BR players don’t bother with the other modes and have no use for the XP rewards. I’d also not take the guy with a 2-4 record lightly for the same reasons above.
I’ve played a lot of prestige level players who clearly only played HR derby to get there.
so what does it really take to go 12-0? ive played some people who have the 12-0 banner and I think to myself afterwards how did this person go 12-0. ive only won 7 games at the most. sure they might be better than me but not to a big difference. the same thing with records online. I will play someone with a 74-10 or something like that. sometimes I win others not but I often think how did this person win so many games.