I am about to delete the game
Ok see ya
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This post is deleted!
This post is deleted!
What happened here?
@DriveByTrucker17 said in I am about to delete the game:
What happened here?
Wondering the same thing lol, seems like a party
[Walks in sees blood everywhere, turns around and leaves.]
I'm kind of surprised all the posts got deleted. It wasn't an argument or anything, one person made a comment in poor taste and other people pointed it out without being aggressive.
Someone made a not so nice comment about Soldiers, 21 gun salutes and so on. Memorial day weekend and all.
This game does suck [censored] but I like to play a ranked game once every few days when I am taking a break from other games. Don't delete MLB, just throw it low on your depth chart of other games that you enjoy.
@Paladin2MP said in I am about to delete the game:
Someone made a not so nice comment about Soldiers, 21 gun salutes and so on. Memorial day weekend and all.
Why would they do that?
How about we just start saying that late/early ok is good/good an good/good is late/early ok an just say it's a visual glitch an move on... I'm not happy about it either but once I changed my thoughts about it I moved on... nothing is going to change from 1000 posts about the same thing..no we shouldn't have to deal with it but as long as they have a say so we do...I honestly miss mvp baseball but it is what it is
@phhardball10 said in I am about to delete the game:
So I just had one of those losses where everything I hit is good good and it doesnt drop and everything my opponent hits is late okay or early okay and he gets base hits. This game would be so much better if they just tweaked pitching. From 16-19 my strength has always been my pitching, but now I am lucky to get out of a game with less than five runs given up. Kluber? No. Newhouser? No dice. Reyes? Fat chance. I don’t know what to do and am at the breaking point, so I might as well delete 20 and go back to 19 where I can at least enjoy myself.
What pitching style do you use?