TA/ FOTF/FS progress
@bhall09 said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
Really hoping stage 3 doesn’t come out for quite some time so I can catch up. I’ve got four of the FOTF (Blackmon, Buxton, Tatis and Gallo) and three FS (Rolison, Kiriloff and Trammell). Just started a MTO run to get Torres.
I’ve kind of been going off some rankings I see of the FOTF cards. Tatis was listed highly. Torres next, so going for those.
Buxton is better than he looks, FWIW. I haven’t had much success with Tatis yet. Blackmon is good but a fielding liability. Good pinch hitter. Gallo is good but the PCI is still small even for his FOTF. The Kiriloff and Trammell FS are good. I haven’t used the Rolison (not sure if I will).
I’ve heard some people are already all the way to 120 on every team. That’s crazy. Don’t know how they did it. (Showdowns and/or exchanges?)
Im maxed out on all of them. Did it mostly for the xp, at prestige 61 now, but its nice having a ton of different usable cards to try out.
If you haven't done the Padres yet it is a must do
@DriveByTrucker17 said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
@bhall09 said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
Really hoping stage 3 doesn’t come out for quite some time so I can catch up. I’ve got four of the FOTF (Blackmon, Buxton, Tatis and Gallo) and three FS (Rolison, Kiriloff and Trammell). Just started a MTO run to get Torres.
I’ve kind of been going off some rankings I see of the FOTF cards. Tatis was listed highly. Torres next, so going for those.
Buxton is better than he looks, FWIW. I haven’t had much success with Tatis yet. Blackmon is good but a fielding liability. Good pinch hitter. Gallo is good but the PCI is still small even for his FOTF. The Kiriloff and Trammell FS are good. I haven’t used the Rolison (not sure if I will).
I’ve heard some people are already all the way to 120 on every team. That’s crazy. Don’t know how they did it. (Showdowns and/or exchanges?)
I’m at 24/30 FotF and 8/30 FS.
I did a mix of showdowns, missions, and exchanges for the first 70 points, and exclusively showdown to 120. I went after the FS I actually wanted first, and have just been focusing on getting packs from each team now instead
I’ve got 13 TA completed. And today I finished the first stage 2 showdown for the Mariners. And from the one show pack I got I pulled Postseason Johnny Bench!
For me the must have FotFs:
Best bat: Olson
Best overall: Moncada/Olson/Torres depending on team needsOther notable must haves: Tatis, Gallo, snell, Correa
Best FS card: Gorman, and it isn’t even close.
@Harryhukari33 said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
For me the must have FotFs:
Best bat: Olson
Best overall: Moncada/Olson/Torres depending on team needsOther notable must haves: Tatis, Gallo, snell, Correa
Best FS card: Gorman, and it isn’t even close.
Since I already have Albies and Torres, 2nd and SS are covered. That's why I was looking at Seager for 3rd. I know the other two, and Tatis, can be plugged into 3rd, but I'd like an actual 3rd baseman there (and as I type this, I realize that I'm two XBH with 3rd basemen away from BO Matthews). But if I go with a FOTF squad, then I need Seager or Moncada.
Probably will go with which ever of rhe above two has the most useful FA player. (Although I like to looks of that Trammell from SD).
Indians are a must do. FOTF Santana and future star Nolan Jones both rake!
@Minky__Boodle said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
@Harryhukari33 said in TA/ FOTF/FS progress:
For me the must have FotFs:
Best bat: Olson
Best overall: Moncada/Olson/Torres depending on team needsOther notable must haves: Tatis, Gallo, snell, Correa
Best FS card: Gorman, and it isn’t even close.
Since I already have Albies and Torres, 2nd and SS are covered. That's why I was looking at Seager for 3rd. I know the other two, and Tatis, can be plugged into 3rd, but I'd like an actual 3rd baseman there (and as I type this, I realize that I'm two XBH with 3rd basemen away from BO Matthews). But if I go with a FOTF squad, then I need Seager or Moncada.
Probably will go with which ever of rhe above two has the most useful FA player. (Although I like to looks of that Trammell from SD).
Moncada DESTROYS Seager and Albies. He’s so much better. Must get.
Buxton is by far my favorite FOTF and maybe my favorite overall player in this game. Kiriloff is pretty good too at 120 for the Twins.
Tatis FOTF might be the best card I have in my lineup.
Rays Twins Angels and Cardinals are my favorite Stage 1/2 cards. Albies FOTF is worth it also. Their second stage Wright is ok for being a 94.