Why dont perfect released pitches hit their spot?
1st inning of ranked season game with Newhouser on the mound and he misses his spot with 2 consecutive perfect releases. I understand that each pitch has different control ratings but if user input is important why do perfect releases not hit their spots?
@Collin_SDS -
Good luck getting a response on this.
Yeah, I had it happen up me today, should have been up and in, not even in the zone, hit both spots dead on and it was nearly right down the middle, just a little up and in from dead center, obviously it was crushed. It's bad enough to be punished for just barely missing, but when you get it right?
Two reasons:
1 - The simulation is influencing the game.
2 - Game forces your pitches to help draw walks or serve up easy pitches. Both help the hitter and make the game easier so they can have success and keep playing.
Hung the [censored] out of an 0-2 slider that was perfectly released and resulted in a 2 run homer to Juan Soto. Lost the event game. Super frustrating when I buried it. Just hope that it goes both ways.
Even 2k fixed the problem of people missing green releases. If 2k can fix something then an other developer should be able to.