Cronus Zen
I just recently heard about Cronus Zen, and how people use it in gaming. Does anyone know exactly what it does in MLB The Show? How does it help a player?
Just curious.
It allegedly allows users to make perfect/perfect contact regardless of pitch location, and allows pitchers to throw perfect releases every time. I say allegedly because I refuse to play online because A)Im nowhere near good enough, and B) the chance of running into these guys, so I can't 100% verify
Ok. So REGARDLESS of swing times and PCI placement, players get a Perf-Perf result???
Allegedly. Again I can't 100% verify but that's the word
I don't believe it affects hitters at all, only how you pitch. Plenty of guys can hit perfect pitches very well.
Sony is trying to block it. Apparently they have done so on PS5
From The Verge yesterday
The PlayStation 5’s latest update blocks players from using the Cronus Zen — a device cheaters use to get an unfair advantage in first-person shooters and other games — as spotted by Call of Duty news site CharlieIntel. A notice on the Cronus website warns players that the 24.01-08.60.00 update for the PS5 no longer allows the Cronus Zen to connect to the console.
Not true, I can't link it but if you look up videos, it showcases the cheats affect both pitching and hitting, ensuring you always make P-P contact/pitches
@kcartledge Yes, it's real. I saw this and was beyond unhappy. Sadly, there were a ton of people very eager to cheat their way to victory knowing SDS will not punish them for it.
Props to the people who ripped on the people having trouble activating their cheatware. I can't post the link on youtube, but it is there, and people are using it.
I know for certain I played one person online in events. Was winning 3-0 in third inning. Guy had one flukey blooper for a hit at that point and could barely touch the ball. Suddenly he pauses the game and hits 4 consecutive no doubt home runs in a row and wins.
I know if you search for cronus on this site there is a post that had a link to the cheater showing how to use it, but I can't find it right now. It's from 20 or 21 if that helps.
@Blind_Bleeder all you need to do is go to YouTube and search Cronuszen and mlb the show and the company that makes Cronuszen show you the multitudes of mlb the show packages you can download to the device as well as how to use them or how to use its aimbot or ball tracker. That’s why some players you pitch to never and I mean NEVER swing at any pitches outside of the strikezone. It allows you to script the gameplay differently. And anyone that tries to dismiss the fact that cheating is rampant or tell you that it’s just because you’re not good at the game are almost certainly just down playing the severity because they’re likely using one. Keep your integrity and don’t be a cheater. I have been keeping a list of gamertags that have been overly obvious on cheating. And I’m regardless of what policies are in place protecting these cheaters posting them on here soon
[censored]. I was just talking about this in another post a few days to a week ago and SDS simps dominated the post saying this doesn't happen in The's quiet in here now lol they scatter when presented with the truth they fear so much
@AdeptOfMemory I see one video for MLB The Show 24 and Cronus Zen.
- It is from 3 weeks ago and most of the 66 comments are "When will it be available"
- He said it would be available at the end of the week 3 weeks ago and as of today, does still not look like it is available.
- When you go to the Cronus Zen Game Library and click on Baseball 24 you get a content not found so there is nothing in that library for MLB The Show 24.
- Also, Sony blocked Cronus Zen on the PS5.
I personally have never said that there are not people who cheat, just that I don't believe that it is nearly as pervasive as people seem want us to believe. Some people just want to blame their losses on anything but themselves or just bad RNG. Whether it's blaming Cronus Zen, Game Scripting, timing and directional hitting.
@Dolenz64 no I totally understand. I am not one saying it's prevalent or that's how the top players are winning. I'm just saying it's just as possible to cheat in this game as it is any other game online. If anything it is easier to cheat on TS as the devs are FAR less active in game repairs than most other developers.
I'm sure cheaters get caught and no the vast majority are NOT cheating. If anything the majority are just taking advantage of game exploits ie pitcher glitches, stadium glitches, balk freezing, etc. That's what's prevalent in the show.My argument was to the ones who are so devout to TS and it's devs that this game has NO hacking or cheating. If it doesn't have hacking or cheating then it's just a busted [censored] game cause there's a lot of [censored] wrong with it that looks like cheating.
Most of the time I get my a$$ beat I just get my a$$ beat. And that's fine. I wouldn't direct it to cheaters. I have however, had a big complaint about the MMR. That's a different story.
This happened to me just last night. I managed to hold the lead until this point despite my outfielders and infielders flopping or taking a dive when I was attempting to run to field an out. This is ridiculous and it’s NOT COINCIDENCE because the mechanics are off and the glitch on screen makes it obvious
@Pikedude86 my guy, again I’m not using a zen lmao. U just suck.
Hard to make any conclusions based on that extremely laggy looking video.
I totally believe you. The game just glitched like that and hit the home run based on you being better than me? Got it!
@Dolenz64 Yea laggy I know. But hey cheaters gonna cheat. But their lack of integrity has most undoubtedly been shaped by the way they didn’t meet the expectations or standards in more important areas of life. And it’s that lack of success and inability to control important outcomes that lead them to find an alternative source to obtain victory rather than the traditional methods that require to much effort